Tuesday, June 21, 2016

1961 Dorsett El Dorado In the midst of Paint and Upholstery

Picking the paint colors wasn't easy, I did a lot of research and found pic's and original brochures showing that most; not all but most of the El Dorado style boats made by Dorsett had the dark color on the bottom of the boat or below the rub rail and white on top, so that's what I wanted to do is make it as close to what came from the manufacturer in 1961. 

About three days for the paint to harden correctly 06/18/2016 by next week the engine cover, steering wheel and top of the boat all will be painted white.  

I first found the color blue or green I have heard a few people call it different I call it Teal anyway I found the color for the seats and then had the paint color matched.

I plan to make a chronological order for each part of the boat from beginning to end once I have completed the project what will be approximately 10 months . 2015-2016